Tuesday, January 7, 2014


There have been many new things that have happened in my life since I last blogged, and I have wanted to write lengthy, detailed blogs for so many of them, but I will just give a brief synopsis of a few of them instead.

I led canvassing for my first time in Central California this summer and was immensely blessed. We had an incredible team and many powerful experiences.

We had a family reunion this summer--something that had not happened for 8 years. Our family has grown since the last time we were all together!

I completed my very first quilt! A rag quilt. Much thanks to my dear sister-in-law, Becca, who gave me much assistance, as well as my mom. 

I visited Guam for 3 weeks. It's a beautiful island! I got my Open Water Scuba Diving certification.

Now the journeys of my life are taking me to California to work for the Central California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. I will be recruiting for the summer canvassing programs, working with GLOW, and learning to give Bible studies on the side. 

I don't know yet what other new things I will encounter in the coming months and years, but whatever ups and downs come, I'm eager to face them with Jesus by my side. 


Mom said...

Nice blog! God has a plan for you and each of these experiences will help prepare you for it! Love you and pray for you everyday!

Emily said...

It's so nice to see this update. God's plans are incredible. Happy for you!