Thursday, September 29, 2011


There are many people groups who know nothing of the gospel. Thousands die each day without even hearing the name of Jesus, much less knowing Him as their best friend. Their empty hearts hunger for something, yet they don't know what. 

When a person from one country goes to another to share Jesus, there is a lot of ground work which must be done to increase effectiveness. That person must acclimatize to a new temperature and diet, conform to a unique dress, become fluent in another language, not to mention an overall accommodation to a completely new culture.

I am accustomed to the American diet. I speak English. I know the culture. As an American, shouldn't America be my most effective mission field, above other countries?

I believe that going to other countries for the purpose of missions is vital before Jesus can come back. But if we are not a missionary in our home land, how can we expect to reach people where we can't even speak their language and where simple actions easily offend them?

We must not allow our eyes to continually look forward to the time when we will go to some exotic place to do a great work, and overlook the mission that God has for us here and now.


Unknown said...

Well, well said. Neither need should make us ignore the other!

healthycells said...

Perhaps that is one of the most important lessons we could ever learn. It is part of the boot camp for true missionaries.

Brian said...

Thanks, Shama for that post. It was very encouraging to me. It is easy to forget that we are also missionaries when we are in our homeland. I want to keep the same attitude and spirit that I had in Palawan.

Brian said...

Thanks, Shama for that post. It was very encouraging to me. It is easy to forget that we are also missionaries when we are in our homeland. I want to keep the same attitude and spirit that I had in Palawan.

Brian said...
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Kelsey said...

Amen. Really enjoyed talking to you yesterday, Shama. Love you bunches! And praying for you. :-)

Elani said...

So true. =)