Want to save money on laundry detergent? I learned this simple, inexpensive method of making laundry detergent from my sister-in-law. These three ingredients can be found in the laundry isle at walmart. It's SO simple! The recipe is:
- 1/3 C Borax Powder
- 1/3 C All Natural Super Washing Soda
- 1/3 shredded, then melted Fels-Naptha bar of soap
You can make it like this as liquid detergent, but next I am going to try making it in the powder version as is explained in detail here.
Are you seriously making your own laundry detergent? That's Awesome!!! How much does it save over a box of real stuff?
Yup I am. hmmm well for all of those ingredients in the picture it was less than $10 and I can make an endless amount of detergent out of them. I haven't done any specific math, but it definitely saves money. :D
I have been using this for two years now, and it works great! It makes your laundry smell better, too. The powder is easier to use, but the liquid tends to last longer (for some reason it's hard to make yourself put only 1 tbsp of detergent in a load of laundry.) As far as the cost goes, it really is much cheaper - one gallon costs about one dollar to make and is good for about 64 loads. Compare that to Tide free and gentle he liquid at $16.69 for 64 loads and you can see it add up!
Good luck, Shama! I hope you like it.
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