Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Unkown

I'm really not sure how to feel right now. I am excited, sad, terrified, overjoyed--my feelings are like a bowl of soup. I leave for the Philippines in less than two weeks and will be gone for many long months. The faces of family and friends will be only a memory; familiarity will be solely in my dreams. But this is something that I have always wanted to do. I have always wanted to live in a thatch-roof hut in the middle of the jungle. I wondered what it would be like to go for months on end with no electricity. Something deep down inside of me has secretly longed to know what it's like to "rough it" long term. Tough, I know this year will be. Everyone tells me that "this will be the hardest year of your life, but the best". There is no way to adequately prepare for what I will experience. I really have no idea what to expect. But I don't have to worry--although the path is ever so ambiguous, it could not be any clearer. God has led me this far and I know He will lead me through. 
I have some goals for this year while I am in the Philippines which include:
  • Strive off of flexibility 
  • Learn the Palawan language adequately 
  • Read the Conflict of the Ages series by E. G. White from start to finish 
  • Memorize the book of James in the Bible 
  • Take part faithfully in 777 (7 days a week, at 7am & 7pm, pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit) 
  • Experience an ever-deepening relationship with God 
  • Be an instrument in leading one soul to Jesus 

The song, "I Will Go" by Steve Green is my prayer and promise:

Give me ears to hear Your Spirit
Give me feet to follow through
Give me hands to touch the hurting
And the faith to follow You

Give me grace to be a servant
Give me mercy for the lost
Give me passion for Your glory
Give me passion for the cross

And I will go where there are no easy roads
Leave the comforts that I know
I will go and let this journey be my home
I will go
I will go 

I'll let go of my ambition
Cut the roots that run too deep
I will learn to give away
What I cannot really keep
What I cannot really keep 
Help me see with eyes of faith
Give me strength to run this race

I will go Lord where Your glory is unknown

I will live for You alone
I will go because my life is not my own
I will go
I will go 
I will go


Caitlin said...

Dearest Shama,

I'm so happy for you... I can just hear you and Allie singing song "I will go" in my head - it will always remind me of you :)

Reading through the Conflict series from start to finish was one of the best things that I chose to do while in Brazil. I know it will be a huge blessing for you too. Each day will offer just the inspiration and comfort you need.

My prayers will travel with you :)

Kelsey said...

Shama, I loved hearing you and Allie sing that song! You will be missed and prayed for!

Heather said...

I like your description of emotions as a "bowl of soup". I understand that imagery.
You have wonderful goals, serve a all-powerful God and there is enough heavenly strength to see you through every day you are gone...and for forever.

Take courage and be fearless for the Kingdom. : )

Joel said...

I've been memorizing James :)

Praying for you!

Jonathon & Allie said...

Amen Shama!

The original blog of the Invincible Giant Peach said...

I hate getting caught up in the details, but I'm struggling to understand the first goal. Strive off of flexibility. I can't quite figure out what it means. Thrive perhaps? Anyway, I admire your goals and I'll be expecting you to recite James to me when I come in May...