Friday, June 25, 2010

SEYC Summer of Evangelism

My summer began with five weeks of intensive Bible work training in Atlanta, GA with SEYC Summer of Evangelism. We prayed, studied, did outreach, went to evangelistic meetings, ate, slept, played, and studied some more. 

The first of our classes was Bible Doctrines where we learned not only how to defend our doctrines, but were required to memorize 10 verses on them each week. The second class was Bible Work, where we learned how to personalize and give Bible studies, and lead people to make decisions for Christ. Lastly, we were blessed to have Biblical Spirituality class where we were given ideas and methods to deepen our personal relationship with God. In the evenings we would either go door-to-door inviting people to the evangelistic meetings that took place on the weekends or visit those who were already attending.   

I can honestly say that I was blessed immensely during that five-week period of time, and although I still have much to learn, I am far more prepared to share my faith with others.   

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