Sunday, May 31, 2009

Practicum (Day # 1)


Kristin said...

Nice. Glad you're still alive Camp wouldn't be as great without you ;)

The original blog of the Invincible Giant Peach said...


Christy Joy said...

Awesome! I love how you took before and after videos! Nicely done!

You should take them some yummy tofu and prove once and for all that tofu rules the world! :D :D

Hope your feet and knees starts operating again. We can't have only 96.3 % of you alive for camp!

Jonas said...

I'm jealous.

But it looks and sounds really hard.

Good work!

Katalin said...

Shama!!! your so cute!! congraz to you! I am glad you know you can make it now!! when you Have God with you, you know you can make it through the impossible! talk to you soon!