Monday, February 9, 2009

ER Clinicals

“Get away from me! You leave me alone! Nobody is putting anything in my mouth until the law gets here!” She thought we were all part of a gang that was out to get her. Confused and combative, it took two people to hold her down just so an IV and catheter could be put in her.

A short time later another lady came in to the emergency room crying her eyes out and yelling at everyone, telling them not to hurt her. She had overdosed.

“Code blue SICU, Code blue SICU” was announced over the loud speaker. My sympathetic nervous system kicked in and I eagerly requested that I be allowed to go to the surgical intensive care unit to participate in the care of the client who was having a cardiac arrest. My request granted, I quickly made my way to the unit and found the room full of nurses and doctors trying desperately to save a life. After doing chest compressions and intubation, shocking the patient, and injecting CNS stimulators, they finally found a pulse and got the patient stable.

Involvement in the above situations, starting my first IV on a patient, putting catheter number four in, and meeting friends of my family were just a few of the highlights of my ER experience. I must say nothing is so rewarding as helping those in need. Are we, as Christians, working as nurses in the emergency room of life, helping those in need all around us?


Christy Joy said...

Wow! That's so awesome, Shama! My ER clinicals were incredibly boring compared to all that. Sounds like you're getting some good experience :)

Alex said...

Sounds exciting and it holds a valuable lesson for our lives.

Phoebe said...

Crazy, I haven't even gotten to work a code yet. ;) I'm sure my time will come soon enough, though. Sounds exciting!